Are you still intending to take your RES examination in 2021? Here are some useful updates for you!
For the RES examination in August 2021, CEA will increase the examination capacity to 3,000 candidates, from 2,400 candidates in the February 2021 RES examination.
There will be a two-stage registration process for the August 2021 RES examination. To ensure a smooth registration experience for applicants, RELC is implementing a two-stage registration process for you to:
Indicate your interest (on FormSG), and subsequently
Register for the examination at RELC’s website if you are shortlisted. Shortlisting is done on a first-come, first-served basis.
Stage 1: Indication of Interest on FormSG (12 to 13 July 2021)
Applicants who are interested to sit for the August 2021 RES examination have to indicate their interest on FormSG from 12 - 13 July 2021. The link to the indication of interest form will be accessible on RELC’s website on 12 July 2021, 9am.
Applicants should register their interest as RELC will allocate seats on a first-come, first-served basis to the first 3,000 applicants who have successfully submitted their indication of interest based on their choice of examination slot. RELC will then contact the 3,000 applicants from 14 - 16 July 2021 to provide further instructions on stage 2 of examination registration at the RELC’s website.
RELC will also contact the remaining applicants that they have not been shortlisted to register for the August 2021 RES examination.
Stage 2: Examination Registration (21 to 23 July 2021)
Shortlisted applicants will receive an email from RELC and should follow the instructions in the email to complete the August 2021 RES examination registration at RELC’s website. Shortlisted applicants who do not complete the examination registration process by 23 July 2021 will have their seats allocated to other applicants.
Here're a couple of relevant FAQs from their website:
Why must there be a 2-stage registration process?
The 2-stage registration process helps to ensure a smooth registration experience for applicants.
If I am not shortlisted after Stage 1, will I be put on a waitlist for the August 2021 RES examination?
Applicants who submitted their indication of interest in Stage 1 will be shortlisted on a first-come, first-served basis.
If you are not shortlisted, you may be put on the waitlist. If there are available slots after Stage 2, RELC will inform, via email, applicants on the waitlist to register for the examination.
Will priority be given to any group of applicants for the August 2021 RES examination, e.g. those whose RES course completion certificate validity is expiring?
CEA does not accord any priority of allocation of examination seats to any particular group of applicants.
If I do not manage to register for the August 2021 RES examination, the next RES examination may take place after the expiry of my RES course completion certificate validity. Do I have to retake the RES course then? Can the validity of the certificate be extended?
To ensure currency of knowledge, course participants are required to attempt and pass the examination within the validity period of the course completion certificate.
Candidates are encouraged to retake the course if they are unable to pass the examination after multiple attempts.
Why can’t CEA conduct the RES examination online for the safety of all candidates?
CEA is exploring alternate modes of conducting the RES examination to complement the onsite examination, such as conducting computer-based examinations, in which candidates sit for the RES examination at designated location(s).
Regardless of the examination mode, CEA remains committed to upholding the integrity of the RES examination while ensuring the safety of candidates. CEA will consider the computer-based examinations carefully, including the authentication and security safeguards and standards that such examination mode offers.
Can CEA conduct more frequent RES examinations?
The availability of venues is a major factor in conducting the RES examination. In addition, CEA has to assess that these venues are able to implement safe management measures as stipulated in MOH’s advisories for the safety of all examination candidates and the community.
CEA will work towards exploring alternate modes of conducting the RES examination such as conducting computer-based examinations in which candidates sit for the RES examination at designated location(s).
Will COVID-19-related laws and regulations be tested?
The COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) Act and Regulations 2020 will be tested in the RES examinations as the legislation and its implications are covered in Papers 1 and 2 of the examination syllabus.
Only new regulations, policies and guidelines announced or implemented within one month before the date of examination will not be tested.
Candidates are required to be familiar with the latest laws and regulations relating to and affecting estate agency work in order to serve your clients professionally when you are successful in joining the real estate agency industry.
Due to the postponement of the June 2021 RES examination, my RES course certificate validity would have expired before the August 2021 RES examination. Do I have to retake the RES course in such a case?
Affected RES course participants with expiring course certificates who were initially eligible for the postponed June 2021 RES examination will have their validity extended to allow them to apply for the August 2021 RES examination.
The above information is extracted from the RELC website. Check it out here.
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